Valerie Wales Nursery sign (uncredited)

January Volunteer Events

Thursday 11 January, 10am – 12pm – propagation in the nursery
Sunday 21 January, 10am – 12pm – propagation in the nursery

Species of focus for propagating through “potting on” include,

·        Adriana quadripartita (bitterbush, rare butterfly project)

·        Poa poiformis (coast tussock-grass)

·        Carpobrotus rossii (karkalla)

·        Picris squarrosa (a rare daisy)

·        Enchylaena tomentosa (ruby saltbush)

·        Scaevola crassifolia (cushion fan-flower)

·        Ficinia nodosa (knobby club-rush)



Thursday 1 February, 10am – 12pm – propagation in the nursery

                                                            – Open Day, Valerie Wales Community Coastal Nursery 




The nursery is located on the corner of Atkin St and Cudmore Tce, next to the Henley and Grange Arts Society building.

 Image contains the nursery sign.

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