
Tennyson Dunes Group

A group of people concerned for the future of the Wara Wayingga Tennyson Dunes  Conservation Reserve was first formed as the Tennyson Dunes Group in 1995 as a volunteer coastal  care organisation. The group meets regularly in an effort to protect the Reserve  by restoring native habitats and minimising threats against them.

Activities undertaken by the  Wara Wayingga Tennyson Dunes Group include animal and plant surveys, collection and propagation of locally native plant seeds and cuttings, revegetation, weed and feral animal control and community education through designing interpretive signs and conducting tours and presentations.   The Group works closely with the National Parks and Wildlife  Service SA, The City of Charles Sturt and Green Adelaide who  provide invaluable support to the Group and the Reserve..

Our work is guided by the Tennyson Dunes Biodiversity Action Plan, so that we have a coordinated approach with Natural Resources AMLR.


What's new in Tennyson Dunes

Farewell to John Hansen. Rest in Peace, 11.06.2024

Thursday 4 July. Sunday 21 July. Dune Work.

Save the Date. Open Day on Oct 20th